HEMA Fundamentals
The HEMA Fundamentals class is open to all fighters 18-years-or-older regardless of fitness level or prior experience. This class will teach you the basics of defending yourself with a sword! Everyone is strongly encouraged to bring a glove for their dominant hand (any work glove will do) and a big bottle of water! This class …
The Caledonian Broadsword Academy mentioned on The Advocate!
The Caledonian Broadsword Academy of New Orleans was recently featured in a number of images on The Advocate! Check these out if you want to see what the class looks like in action.
“Medieval sword-fighting techniques are still in use at New Orleans broadsword academy” on NOLA.com
Check out NOLA.com’s article about the Broadsword Academy of New Orleans! The article features an interview with lead instructor, Sam Irving as well as one of the founding club members, Drew Cambre.